Meet Dianna


I’m Dianna, a wellness cook, holistic lifestyle creator, and chronic illness coach living in Los Angeles. I run a boutique chef service called Kitchen Remedy. Similar to Micaela, my health story begins in my childhood. I talk about my experiences growing up always feeling a little off in the Chronically Hacked Course, but it basically reached a climax when I almost went blind from late-stage Lyme disease and experienced a devastating breakup in 2018.

I immersed myself in years of life coaching, healing, and counseling and moved from my hometown in New York to Los Angeles. During this season of adversity, I found a state of well-being through prayer, meditation, and conscious cooking. My remedy lay in the kitchen, hence the birth of Kitchen Remedy. It was my mission to help others find themselves through the power of wholesome food.

Chronically Hacked is a new medium for me to help others find their message in the mess of things. I’ve suffered heartbreaking loss and debilitating health issues and I know it takes a great amount of grit to overcome obstacles. I assure you, you are not alone and Chronically Hacked will give you the tools you need to harness your strength to push through.

I live by the beach with my partner, Martin, and my chug rescue, Benny, who I take for daily walks in nature to keep myself grounded. I am currently writing a memoir about my breakup, health journey, and healing. I also offer one-on-one sessions for spiritual advising and life coaching. 

Chronically Yours,

Follow me @diannabrescia

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